Opening up the archives to emerging filmmakers

Make Film History offers emerging filmmakers access to 300 films from the BFI National Archive, BBC Archive, Northern Ireland Screen, the Irish Film Institute and the London Community Video Archive for creative reuse in schools, film training and higher education across the UK and Ireland.

The films are licensed in three easy steps:

Ask a teacher at your school, college or university to register on our Film Archive and sign the educational license agreements that grant students access to the collections of our archive partners.

Students and staff can then register using their institutional email address, accept the terms of use and browse and watch the films in the archive.

Once you find a film you’d like to respond to, you can download it for use in your film subject to the terms of use. Staff can download all films for use by their students. Students can download up to ten films per year for creative reuse.

86 higher education institutions and over a dozen film festivals and training organisations have signed up to the scheme. You can sign up here.

Film stills and summaries used on this site are adapted with permission from the BFI Player, BBC iPlayer, IFI Player, NI Screen Digital Film Archive and the BBC and LCVA websites. They retain the copyright of these archives and any third-party rights holders. Film clips included in the showreels are streamed with the permission of the BFI and BBC.